FOLLOW US ORDER ONLINE NOW - Delivery Across Manchester - Hyderabadi Dum Biryani available 6 days now.

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Catering Delivery Charges – 25p a mile

 / Catering Delivery Charges – 25p a mile

We delivery cartering orders any day to your location, from our Restaurant (M41 9AD) to your delivery location please calculate To and Fro at 50p a mile and we deliver upto 60miles from our Kitchen. (example – if it is 30miles + 30miles then its cost £15) NOTE: Catering orders minimum order £150

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Catering Delivery Charges – 25p a mile


We delivery cartering orders any day to your location, from our Restaurant (M41 9AD) to your delivery location please calculate To and Fro at 50p a mile and we deliver upto 60miles from our Kitchen. (example – if it is 30miles + 30miles then its…